If you haven't, please return to your rock, you shouldn't even be on the interwebs anyways.
While I loooove some reality tv drama ( seriously, love it), I'm not too stoked about this for a number of reasons; first off, 2 weeks? Really? Can you even learn about cross contamination in 2 weeks? And I'm not talking about run of the mill bleaching everything in sight till yer eyes burn off type of cross contamination, but a "hepatitus can live on a dry surface for up to 7 days" kind of contamination. 7 motha-flippen days! That's half the course! shit, that's 2400$ worth of learning. pay up suckas!
Then there's the insult to our profession. hair dressing is an 8 month course, training at McDonalds is 3 weeks minimum ( believe me, I worked there when I was 15). But noooo problem, you wannabe rockstars, tattooing is so EASY that you can learn quicker than it takes to learn how to make a big mac to scar ( sorry, TATTOO) your friends up. I wish I had thought about that first!
But you have to wonder why they're even thinking of airing such a show. It's not like they ever aired a how-to-be-a-dentist show on tv. Probably because most dentists are boring ( or do tons of ecstasy, which would also be boring to watch ; how many hours of carpet rubbing, jaw wrenching dance parties could you stand?). Tattooed people are apparently interesting to watch. We like to yell a lot, as witnessed on NY INK, we like good times, living large, etc..... and we look pretty. people like pretty people, right?
So while this whole tattoo school thing sounds like some crazy learn off that colored talking picture box of witchcraft kind of deal, TLC knows exactly that by calling something "tattoo school" they will generate enough controversy to get hundreds of thousands of people to watch the show.... and it will turn out to be a bunch of potentially pretty people yelling and stirring shit up, and very little actual tattooing. Do yourselves a favour and don't buy into the hype!
In other news I did these this week :
week 1! look ma!
day 8 ( photo courtesy of Frank Grimes!)
don't try this at home kiddies ( or do, whatevs)
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